Tuesday, November 21, 2006

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Richard Woodward

Richard Woodward & Associates PO Box 908, Bondi Junction Sydney, NSW 1355 Australia

Monday, November 13, 2006

Varicose Vein

Gnarled and enlarged varicose veins look unsightly and can be painful. Varicose veins are a common condition in the United States, affecting up to 60 % of all Americans. Older women tend to be most affected by this condition. Examine the causes of varicose veins and various treatment options. While varicose veins are merely a cosmetic problem for some, it can cause considerable ache and discomfort for others. Is varicose vein surgery the only option? What are the pros and cons of sclerotherapy for treating varicose veins? Find out answers to these nagging doubts about varicose vein removal.

Varicose Vein
Derived from the Latin word varix, which means twisted, varicose veins indicate a condition where veins swell and raise above the level of the skin. Though they can occur anywhere, varicose veins are most often noticed on the legs and feet. Veins on the lower body are subject to increased pressure while standing and walking and hence they are most likely to succumb to becoming varicose. Varicose veins appear as dark purple or blue cords that are twisted or bulging. They are easily noticed on the back of calves or insides of the leg. In very severe cases of varicose veins, they rupture and form sores on the skin. If the veins deep within the legs enlarge, it may lead to swelling and pain. Women are more likely to develop varicose veins as compared to men. Birth control pills and HRT can make a woman more susceptible to this condition. People suffering from varicose veins feel throbbing pain and muscle cramping in the lower legs. These symptoms are worsened by prolonged sitting or standing.

Cause of Varicose Vein
Veins in the legs have to carry blood back to the heart and have to endure high pressure. This makes them the likely spot for varicose veins to develop. This condition is indicative of faulty and weakened valves in the veins. When valves in the legs do not carry blood flow efficiently against gravity towards the heart, blood pools up and the pressure leads to enlarged and twisted veins. Varicose veins are caused by weak valves in the veins that prevent backward flow of blood away from the heart. Venous disease can also cause varicose vein. Varicose veins tend to be more prominent during menstruation and pregnancy. Some persons are more likely to develop this condition, either due to inherited characteristics or hormonal changes. Pregnancy or obesity can place additional pressure on the leg veins and lead to varicose veins. Another condition similar to varicose veins is spider veins. This appears as smaller jagged lines and can be found on the face too.

Regular exercise can help in building vein strength and improving circulation.

Keep weight under control to avoid extra pressure on the legs

Wearing supportive hosiery can help to some extent.

Standing for long periods of time can cause varicose veins since the blood flow is impaired due to the stationary position. Shift your weight from time to time if you are standing for long periods of time. If you have to sit for long periods of time, stand up and move around or take a short walk approximately every 30 minutes.

Include high-fiber foods to rule out constipation - a contributory factor to developing varicose veins. Limit the intake of salt to prevent water retention.

Sclerotherapy Varicose Vein
Sclerotherapy is the non-surgical procedure for removal of varicose veins. With this method of varicose vein removal, the problem vein is closed off so that the blood is rerouted through normal veins efficiently. Sclerotherapy is a surgical procedure that takes about 20 minutes. A chemical called sclerosant is injected into the varicose vein to damage and scar its lining. In this way it closes. This injection can cause temporary burning and cramping in the area. The affected leg is placed in an elevated position to drain blood and pressure is applied over the veins when you stand up to prevent blood return. After sclerotherapy treatment, you may need to wear compression stockings or elastic bandage for a few days to maintain the pressure. Newer procedures with sclerotherapy treatment allow treatment of larger varicose veins that earlier were only surgically litigated and stripped.

Before going in for any kind of varicose vein surgery, discuss with your physician. If you are pregnant or nursing, you must avoid sclerosant. For those who have a history of blood clots or inflammation, surgical removal of varicose veins must be carefully considered. Sclerotherapy surgery may result in discoloration of the affected area, which will last for a year or so. Some persons experience scarring that is permanent. Recently this surgical procedure for varicose veins has been modified to use foamlike form for better results.

Varicose Vein Removal
Laser surgery is being used to treat varicose veins on the legs. It involves sending strong light pulses to the vein thereby making it fade and disappear. This type of surgery to remove varicose veins doesn’t warrant incisions. There may be slight redness or swelling on the skin for a few days after the laser surgery for varicose veins but it will soon disappear. The number of sittings will depend on the severity of the condition. Yellow light lasers, green light lasers and other intense pulsed light systems are used to treat varicose veins.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

2006 election

2006 election
3 37signals
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14 citizenjournalism
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1 dyson
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1 enterprisemashups
9 entrepreneurship
1 environment
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1 evidence
2 evslin
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1 fathom
1 fbi
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22 fmnews
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26 fredwilson
1 freeconomics
6 funding
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1 gas
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1 scoble
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1 sf
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4 topix
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8 traffic
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1 travisfox
1 tribtotal
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12 wisdom
1 worldcup
2 wsj
10 yahoo
4 youtube
2 ypn
2 zawodny
1 zdnet

Friday, November 10, 2006

List of Banks

BankAmerica Corporation - BankAmerica Corporation today is the second largest bank holding company in the U.S. Through its many Bank of America banking affiliates, Seafirst Bank, and the subsidiaries, it operates more than 1,900 retail branches and a 5,500-ATM network in the western United States and has branches and representative offices in 37 countries worldwide.
Bank of Boston - Founded in 1784, Bank of Boston is the oldest chartered bank in the USA. Today the bank provides a broad range of corporate, global and personal financial services. The international branch network operates over 100 offices in 25 foreign countries, making the Corporation the third largest among US banks.
The Bank of Fruitland - Serving the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland with Personal, Progressive Banking Since 1911.
Bank of Galveston, N.A.
Bank Of Grand junction - Bank in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Bank of Hawaii Economic Research Center - Bank of Hawaii's Economic Research Center has been reporting on economic conditions in Hawaii for more than 40 years. Headed by Chief Economist Paul Brewbaker and Economist Wali Osman, the Research Center is the premier source for analysis of economic and business trends in the state of Hawaii and the Pacific region. The Bank of Hawaii has a long-standing presence throughout the Pacific. The Economic Research Center website is designed to make our economic reports and data more useful and accessible.
Bank of Holland - The Bank of Holland, Michigan Web Site providing online banking and numerous other services.
Bank of New York - One of the largest bank holding companies in the United States. The Bank of New York offers a complete range of processing and operating services.
Bank of the San Juans - Free Web Banking offered in Durango Colorado.
The Bank of South Carolina - A community bank with a commitment to provide personal service, lasting customer relationships, responsiveness, and attention to detail.
Bank of Stockton - The oldest bank in California still operating under its original charter. Conveniently located in the heart of northern California, Bank of Stockton is truly a bank ahead of its time.
Bank of the Commonwealth - The Bank is currently operating from three locations in the city of Virginia Beach and two locations in the city of Norfolk. The cities of Virginia Beach and Norfolk are the first and second largest cities in the state of Virginia, respectively.
Bank of Upson - The Bank of Upson in Upson County, Georgia porvides internet banking and much more.
Bank One
Bank United - Bank United is a $12 billion bank headquartered in Houston, Texas. Bank United is one of the largest banks in Texas. Bank United is a leading provider of consumer credit and deposit products and services through its 66 branch locations
Black River Country Bank - The Black River Country Bank is a full service independent community bank in Black River Falls, Wisconsin.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve - The Federal Reserve Board of Governors is the central government agency, that along with 12 regional Reserve Banks, makes up the Federal Reserve System, which is the central bank of the United States.
Bridgehampton National Bank - Bridge Bancorp, Inc., a New York corporation, is a one-bank holding company engaged in commercial banking through its wholly-owned subsidiary, The Bridgehampton National Bank. Founded in 1910, The Bridgehampton National Bank is the oldest independent commercial bank headquartered on the South Fork of Long Island. Within the Bank's primary market area of Eastern Long Island, it offers a wide range of deposit and loan services to its commercial and consumer customers.
Broadway Bank - Broadway Bank is a community bank in Chicago, Illinois serving an ethnically diverse clientelle. We specialize in serving consumers and small businesses in the Chicago area. Bank personnel speak numerous languages including Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Serbian and Urdu among others. We exist to provide our customers with personalized banking services unavailable at larger institutions.
Brookwood Associates, Inc. - Investment Bank - Brookwood Associates, an investment banking firm with offices in Atlanta and Charlotte provides merger and acquisition and financing advisory services to middle-market companies.
Busey Bank - Interactive banking site, offering web banking and bill payment services.
Business Clearing Bank AC
BZW Barclays Global Investors - BZW Barclays Global Investors is a global investment management firm headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in London, Tokyo and Toronto. For clients around the world, we engineer investment solutions built on indexed, quantitative, and structured investment strategies. Whether for defined benefit pension funds, defined contribution plans, mutual funds, or other institutional investors, we have one objective: to provide solutions to our clients' specific needs.

The Top 7 by Revenue

Citicorp/Citibank - The Citibank is the United States' largest financial service organization. The bank serves approximately 45 million customers in over 90 countries and territories around the world.
Chase Manhattan Bank
Bank of America - Bank of America is one of the largest financial services companies in the United States. Through their broad retail banking network and the diverse Global Finance activities, the bank serves more than 8 million households and businesses across the United States and in selected international markets.
J.P. Morgan - J.P. Morgan is an investment banking firm that provides financial services to corporations, governments, financial institutions, institutional investors, private firms, nonprofit groups, and wealthy individuals around the world. In addition to general information about the firm, J.P. Morgan is making available selected research abstracts and finance oriented datasets, including the firm's newly announced
First Union Corporation - More than 150 pages of information including product and service offerings, consumer credit tips, career opportunity listings, corporate community involvement and First Union's vision of the future: Cyberbanking(sm). First Union Corp. is the ninth-largest bank holding company of the U.S.A.
Bank One - We've grown to become one of the nation's leading financial institutions, and this growth allows us to focus on new, national lines of business, continuing product innovation and enhanced customer service.
WellsFargo - Since 1852, the Wells Fargo stagecoach has been a symbol of reliable service across the American West. Today, we continue to connect our customers to essential financial services 24 hours a day – by ATM, phone or personal computer, as well as through a growing network of traditional and supermarket branches. We also continue our commitment to community through the Wells Fargo Housing Foundation and the Wells Fargo Hot Air Balloon Division projects.


Serves : 1

Ingredients :

1/4 cup asiago cheese (grated)
1 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon butter
1 clove of finely chopped garlic

Steps :

in a sauce pan, melt butter and garlic, making sure not to burn garlic, add heavy cream and let thicken, add cheese and mix tagether with fork until thickened, add pasta
Comments :
can add chicken or shrimp

Gmail's new feature

Let’s go through them, shall we?

01. Reply on top: Now we don’t have to scroll all the way to the bottom of a message to click “Reply.” How convenient! As if we weren’t already lazy enough…

02. Embarassment-reducing new message notifications: Thank you thank you! This will keep me from looking the fool when someone else in the loop knows better. Again thank you! Actually, those in my mailing groups should thank you because they will be notified as soon as I send my reply. Then they won’t have to waste their time with a response.

03. Forward all: You can now forward the entire conversation. I’m not sure how useful this will be since most of the replies will copy the previous message anyway, but WOOHOO. I can forward all!

04. Chat even when your friends are offline: Gmail will now serve as my friends’ answering machines! SUPER because I was too busy to just email them anyway…

05. Get Gmail on your mobile phone: Yes, but is it free? Will it use up my minutes? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Thank you, Google, for all these fun features. I’m sure someone out there will find them even more useful than I have. (Don’t get me wrong - I heart Gmail… I’m having issues, and the little exclamation at the top of my email was asking for it. I never had the bitch factor in me, just the whiny factor.)

Last 20 Searchengine Queries Unique Visitors

10 Nov, Fri, 16:22:47 Google: miracles in the news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:23:29 Google: katie melua news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:24:25 Google: Jessica Simpson News
10 Nov, Fri, 16:24:29 Google: jessica simpson - latest
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10 Nov, Fri, 16:26:33 Google: bob dylan news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:26:34 Google: "Gazzette del Sud" corelli
10 Nov, Fri, 16:26:49 Google: "canis wear"
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10 Nov, Fri, 16:28:21 Google: monster magnet news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:28:44 Google: latest News on Keith Urban
10 Nov, Fri, 16:29:22 Google: jennifer lopez latest news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:30:58 Google: portishead news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:31:51 Google: chineseactors
10 Nov, Fri, 16:32:16 Google: "weather forecast" & "alba" & "italy"
10 Nov, Fri, 16:32:29 Google: Nick Lachey latest news
10 Nov, Fri, 16:32:44 MSN Search: "DEAL OR NO DEAL-HOW TO BE A CONTESTANT"
10 Nov, Fri, 16:32:54 Google: oprah winfrey show Monroe High School
10 Nov, Fri, 16:33:00 Google: lauryn hill news 2006
10 Nov, Fri, 16:33:11 Google: LIST Financial Companies+USA

Top searches

Studivz what the hell is this?
Faith Hill
Britney Spears
Ed Bradley
Wee Shu Min

Thursday, November 09, 2006

OMG ----- shakira

201. Shakira in October2006 - Hips Don't Lie - Shakira: текст песни ...
202. Songs' Lyrics: Hips Don't Lie - Shakira
203. DIGITALER LUMPENSAMMLER: Shakira - Hips Dont Lie spoof
204. Ticket Horde: Presale Passwords and Codes: Shakira Announces Third ...
205. Pop Videos: Shakira: Hips Don`t Lie
206. Chica Chic
207. Existencial: sHaKiRa...
208. A Forma do Jazz: Da Legitimação de Shakira
210. Shakira: December 2005
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212. Shakira Videos: Shakira Compilation
213. dancnreadnskoolgurl: Shakira Hips Don't Lie Spoof (Alex Roffey)
214. Promiscuous Music: Shakira
215. Shakira: June 2005
216. BOLI-NICA On Bolivia, Nicaragua, Latin America, US Politics ...
217. New Nelly Music - Maneater Nelly Furtado - Shakira - Christina ...
218. Belfast Metal reunited: All ages Shakira
219. ~ Sri Shakira ~
220. Chancelucky: American Idol (review) Down to 9 the Annex
221. Hungarian Lessons: Chapter V - Shakira and a Bullfighting Ring
222. Cute Hot and Beautiful Babes: Shakira
223. Alison does Shakira
225. Random thoughts- Do they have meaning?: Shakira- La Tortura
226. Pop Videos: Shakira: No
227. Blabbeando: Madonna, Shakira... Andrea Echeverri?
228. Shakira: November 2005
229. Shakira: August 2005
230. Shakira: July 2005
231. Shakira: October 2005
232. Shakira concert ticket. All about Shakira concert ticket.
233. MUSIC IS MY BOYFRIEND: 10 Things I Hate About You: Shakira
234. The Dormitory Boys: "A Public Affair" by Jessica Simpson
235. Venky's Blog: Shakira's Hips dont lie
236. Nullo Adversante: Shakira: Hips Dont Lie - Original Version
237. 。.:*:・'゚。.:*:・'゚。Love * ^)(。・_・。)。 tofu Bb 。。・:*:・゚ ...
238. R A W . L I K E . S A S H I M I: Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean : "Hips ...
239. Sexual Lemming: MADTV Shakira parody
240. El Nino's celebrities: Shakira some more bikini HQ
241. yupasama: Shakira, the drag queen
242. DiXi...: SHAKIRA
243. www.rahulsood.com: Today was a Good Day...
244. elreflejo: SHAKIRA en exclusiva en elreflejo
245. Jiyocricket - daily videos: Shakira and the desi moves at VMA2006
246. Videos of the Week: Shakira Butt Shaking compilation
247. .: Celebrity Cravings | The #1 Celebrity Blog :.: Watch And ...
248. Mick's Weird World: Shakira is an EVIL Colombian drugs Baroness
249. Pop Videos: Shakira: Don`t Bother
250. Shakira's Hips Don't Lie the Most Played Song in Pop History ...
251. Alison does Shakira: Shakira Tour Dates
252. smart.: Shakira filming Hips Don't Lie
253. Alison does Shakira: Shakira Shaking her Booty
254. El Nino's celebrities: Shakira bikini HQ
255. Hot Movies: Shakira ?
256. Ancient Ice
257. Thoughts of a Chicana Feminist: Diego and Shakira
258. Bellydance Videos: VMAS 2006: Shakira Hips Don't Lie
259. Pop Videos: Shakira: Dia de Enero/January Day
260. GoogTube |: Shakira Hips Don't Lie Spoof Video - The best videos ...
261. Let Oral... Be (Shakira) - Celeb Gossip's
263. La Bella Flor: Shakira....
264. Shakira: April 2006
265. Shakira: Shakira to Buy an Island
266. feeling listless - "Life. Like things and things going on."
267. lirics: Shakira featuring Wyclef Jean "Hips Don't Lie"
268. Shakira to build school in her hometown - Got Lyrics!
269. Music Roll: Shakira is too Spicy!
270. celebrity babies: Shakira Autographs Stage Clothes for Charity
271. The Blue Voice
272. <--[[aNa*KrO g]]-->: Shakira and her life story.
273. Videos of the Week: Shakira - Hips Don`t Lie
274. Ancient Ice
275. Shakira in October2006 - Hips Don't Lie - Shakira: Hips Don't Lie ...
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277. Someday Someplace...: Shaky Shakira @ FIFA World Cup Final
278. Miho Entwistle favorites: My new favorite - Shakira
279. Just Listen It: Shakira - Bamboo Hips Don't Lie (Live At World Cup ...
280. Ancient Ice
281. Shakira - free mp3 downloads, laundry service, la pared
282. Inside the Muffin: The Drawing Board Jam - Shakira
283. Shakira in October2006 - Hips Don't Lie - Shakira: stats for june ...
284. The Pink Blog: Shakira's Hips Don't Lie the Most Played Song in ...
285. No Rock&Roll Fun
286. Videos of the Week: Shakira - Hips Dont Lie spoof
287. Esto [es el] Colmo: Shakira
288. Shakira: September 2005
289. Shakira: July 2006
290. Shakira: February 2006
292. The Expat Podcast Daily: Shakira is always ready to battle
293. REFLEXIONES AL DESNUDO: Shakira y Sus Caderas Desnudas
294. THE GHOST BOYS: Shakira - Hips Dont Lie Spoof
295. MUST SEE VIDEOS: Shakira-Hips Don't Lie - Spoof
296. O Café do LoboBrancoTimido: Shakira? [Humor]
297. A Way With Words...: Quote of the Day - June 7, 2006
298. Shakira in October2006 - Hips Don't Lie - Shakira: Shakira - Esta ...
299. Shakira: March 2006
300. Shakira: A School's Head Gets in Hot Water Over Her Shakira Act


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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hilary or Haylie Duff

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Hilary And Haylie Duff
Hilary And Haylie Duff
Haylie Duff Naked
Haylie Duff Mp
Haylie Duff
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Hilary Duff And Haylie Duff - Our Lips Are Sealed
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Haylie Duff
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Haylie Duff Music Videos
Haylie Duff Naked
Haylie Duff Nick Carter
Hilary And Haylie Duff Material Girls
Material Girls Lyrics By Hilary Duff And Haylie Duff
Hilary Haylie Duff Material Girls
Hilary And Haylie Duff Material Girl
Haylie Duff Our Lips Are Sealed
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Haylie Duff Fakes
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How Old Is Haylie Duff
Bio On Haylie Duff
Haylie Duff In Hairspray
Hilary Duff And Haylie Duff
Hilary Duff And Haylie Duff - Our Lips Are Sealed
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Inspiring you to become a more effective presenter

  Whether you are presenting proposals to win business or recommendations to internal clients, your ability to present is crucial to obtaining buy-in and agreement

Richard will give you a detailed insight into the factors that contribute to a successful presentation and will coach you to a higher level of performance

Richard will help you to:

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• Structure a presentation using a persuasive opening, body and closing
• Deliver a presentation using appropriate body language, speech, voice and visual aids
• Overcome nerves and handle questions
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Group workshops are available as well as one on one coaching to help you prepare for a specific presentation.

"Working with Richard was both enjoyable and valuable. In a short time he was able to help me hone my skills in preparing both written proposals and presenting these in a confident and effective manner. He also has been teriffic in follow-up with regular calls to see how I am using these skills in the real-life situations which I face."

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Richard Woodward & Associates PO Box 908, Bondi Junction Sydney, NSW 1355 Australia

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Richard Woodward

Richard Woodward & Associates PO Box 908, Bondi Junction Sydney, NSW 1355 Australia


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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

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The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is an immigration program
designed to allow BC to increase the economic benefits of immigration to the province.  

It allows British Columbia to select immigrants based on their ability to contribute to the
BC economy.  

The BC PNP was developed under the authority of the Agreement for Canada – BC
Cooperation on Immigration.  

The BC PNP became operational in 2001 and has expanded to include categories to
attract various types of economic immigrants.  

Business Categories
The Business Categories component of the BC Provincial Nominee Program was
developed to provide British Columbia with a mechanism for increasing economic
benefits of immigration to the province. Please note that meeting minimum selection
criteria does not guarantee selection.  Program targets and processing capacity lead to
a focus on the candidates best able to bring economic benefit to
the Province.

Regional Business Category:
This category is intended to assist people from outside Canada, with proven skills and
financial resources, to rapidly implement plans for business establishment or expansion
contributing to the regional development of British Columbia.

Qualifying criteria are:

Project must be located outside the Greater Vancouver Area (see below for definition)
Minimum net worth: CAD$ 600,000
Minimum investment: CAD$ 300,000  
excluding real estate component
Applicant must have a minimum 50% equity
Business must create a minimum of 2 new jobs
Applicant to have an active management role.
The Greater Vancouver Area includes Burnaby, Coquitlam, Delta, Langley City, Langley
District Municipality, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam,
Port Moody, Richmond, Surrey, Vancouver, West Vancouver and White Rock.

Chicago's Most Popular Museums.

Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum
1300 S. Lake Shore Drive | Map
None $16
Mon. & Tue.
Explore the solar system through exhibits, interactive adventures and two full-sized planetarium theaters. More Info
Art Institute of Chicago
111 S. Michigan Avenue  | Map
None $12
The collection spans 5,000 years of artistic expression - paintings, prints and drawings, sculptures, photographs, video and more. More Info
Chicago Children's Museum
700 E. Grand Avenue | Map
None $8
Thu. 5-8pm
Interactive learning adventures for toddlers to ten year-olds; located at Navy Pier. More Info
Chicago Historical Museum
Clark Street at North Avenue | Map
Fall '06
Closed for
Learn about Chicago's unique history,  trace its growth from wilderness outpost to the architectural, cultural and social Mecca of our times. More Info
The David & Alfred Smart Museum of Art
5550 S. Greenwood Avenue | Map
Mon Free Over 10,000 objects, spanning five centuries of both Western and Eastern civilizations, plus special exhibitions. More Info
DuSable Museum of African-American History
740 E. 56th Place | Map
Mon $3
Dedicated to the collection, preservation, interpretation and dissemination of the history and culture of Americans of African descent. More Info
Field Museum
1400 S. Lake Shore Drive | Map
None $19
Features the preservation and exhibition of objects illustrating art, archaeology, science and history. See "Sue", the largest, best preserved T-Rex.
See our Field Museum feature article.
More Info
Hellenic Museum and Cultural Center
801 W. Adams St. | Map
Sun & Mon Free Captures the history of the Greek immigrant experience in America, showcases the artistic work of the Hellenic people and celebrates the Hellenic culture of antiquity. More Info
Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum
1852 W. 19th Street | Map
Mon Free The Permanent Collection contains over 5,000 objects of Mexican art, including prints and drawings, photography, painting and sculpture, textiles and more. More Info
Museum of Contemporary Art
220 E. Chicago Avenue | Map
Mon $10
Exhibitions of art created since 1945 -- through painting, sculpture, photography, video and film, and performance. More Info
Museum of Contemporary Photography
600 S. Michigan Avenue | Map
Sun Free An exclusive commitment to the medium of photography; permanent collection includes more than 7,000 objects, focusing on the photography of Americans and U.S. residents since 1936. More Info
Museum of Science and Industry(MSI)
57th Street and Lake Shore Drive | Map
None $11
Mon & Tue
One of the most popular museums in the United States - Covers diverse areas like energy, the environment, the human body, space exploration and transportation. Highlights include a U-505 Submarine and an Omnimax Theater.
See our MSI feature article.
More Info
Oriental Institute Museum
1155 East 58th Street | Map
Mon $5 optional A showcase of the history, art and archaeology of the ancient Near East, including major collections of antiquities from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Iran, Syria, Palestine, and Anatolia. More Info
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
2430 N. Cannon Drive | Map
None $7
Explore how everything we do is connected to nature; vist the year-round butterfly haven; learn about the eco-friendly building technology. More Info
Polish Museum of America
984 N. Milwaukee Avenue | Map
None $5
Promotes the knowledge of Polish history and culture, especially promulgates Polish and Polish American art in its paintings, sculptures, drawings and lithographs by well-known artists. More Info
Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows
700 E. Grand Avenue (Navy Pier) | Map
None Free A permanent display of 150 stained glass windows housed in an 800 foot-long series of galleries along the lower level terraces of Festival Hall at Navy Pier. More Info
Spertus Museum of Judaica
618 S. Michigan | Map
None $5
Spertus Museum organizes and hosts thought-provoking exhibitions that explore contemporary and historical issues in Jewish art and culture. More Info
Ukrainian National Museum
721 N. Oakley Boulevard | Map
Free Details the heritage, culture and people of Ukraine -- over 1,000 artifacts from folk art to musical instruments, plus an extensive library. More Info

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Adriana Lima
Alexis Bledel
Alyssa Milano
Angelina Jolie
Anna Kournikova
Anne Hathaway
Ashlee Simpson
Avril Lavigne
Britney Spears
Brittany Murphy
Brooke Burke
Cameron Diaz
Carmen Electra
Charlize Theron
Christina Aguilera
Christina Milian
Cindy Crawford
Denise Richards
Elisha Cuthbert
Elizabeth Hurley
Elle Macpherson
Eva Longoria
Halle Berry
Heather Locklear
Heidi Klum
Hilary Duff
Hilary Swank
Holly Valance
Jaime Pressly
Jenna Jameson
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Ellison
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Jessica Alba
Jessica Biel
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Joanna Krupa
Jodie Marsh
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Kate Moss
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Keeley Hazell
Keira Knightley
Kelly Brook
Kelly Clarkson
Kim Smith
Krista Allen
Kristen Bell
Kristin Kreuk
Lindsay Lohan
Lucy Pinder
Mandy Moore
Maria Menounos
Mariah Carey
Marisa Miller
Mena Suvari
Michelle Mars

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Monday, November 06, 2006


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Brad Pitt
Daniel Powter
Jaime Pressly
Katie Price
Pussycat Dolls
Maggie Q
Daniel Radcliffe
Dan Rather
Denise Richards
Nicole Richie
Lisa Rinna
Kelly Ripa
Joan Rivers
Kid Rock
Brande Roderick
Michelle Rodriguez
Ray Romano
Brandon Routh
JK Rowling
Katee Sackhoff
Zoe Saldana
Roselyn Sanchez
Amanda Seyfried
Maria Sharapova
Charlie Sheen
Nicollette Sheridan
Svetlana Shusterman
Sarah Silverman
Victoria Silvstedt
Russell Simmons
Ashlee Simpson
Jessica Simpson
Bryan Singer
Anna Nicole Smith
Ashley Smith
Will Smith
Brittany Snow
Aaron Sorkin
Mira Sorvino
Britney Spears
Steven Spielberg
Bruce Springsteen
Scott Stapp
Jenn Sterger
Howard Stern
Jon Stewart
Kimberly Stewart
Martha Stewart
Ben Stiller
Sharon Stone
Trish Stratus
Jeremy Sumpter
Hilary Swank
Quentin Tarantino
Charlize Theron
Uma Thurman
Justin Timberlake
Donald Trump
Lisa Tucker
Shania Twain
Leeann Tweeden
Carrie Underwood
Gabrielle Union
Lisa Marie Varon
Vince Vaughn
Nadine Velazquez
Paul Walker
Polly Walker
Estella Warren
Denzel Washington
Emma Watson
Naomi Watts
Morgan Webb
Rachel Weisz
Kanye West
Michelle Wie
Michelle Williams
Vanessa Williams
Bruce Willis
Luke Wilson
Owen Wilson
Torrie Wilson
Oprah Winfrey
Reese Witherspoon
Tiger Woods
Elliott Yamin
Ace Young