There is much ado about the government's climate policy being made in Canada. All Canadian policies are made in Canada, but most of them are also consistent with international agreements that serve our interests and those of our global neighbours. We have a made-in-Canada trade policy that is also consistent with international trade agreements. Canada is a signatory to the Law of the Sea and our made-in-Canada policies on oceans respect that United Nations convention. We have a made-in-Canada forestry plan that honours international accords. We have a made-in-Canada financial policy that also respects international monetary conventions. Our made-in-Canada fisheries plan honours international fisheries agreements. We have made-in-Canada programs for sovereignty and security that are consistent with international charters and treaties.
Going alone on these issues would be irresponsible and damaging. On matters that transcend the borders of countries, Canada benefits from agreements that provide international "rules of the game," addressing efficiency and fairness. Global climate change certainly transcends borders, in its causes and its effects. Most countries of the world are already working toward a post-Kyoto international agreement to better address this global issue. Some north European industrial countries have already achieved Kyoto targets similar to Canada's, without major economic upheaval. In fact, they are benefiting by being at the front of the pack in alternative energy and energy efficiency technology and practices. Surely there are some insights for Canada. An isolationist policy on climate change is foolhardy and impractical. An effective made-in-Canada climate change plan is a great idea — so is a global agreement of which Canada is part.
Going alone on these issues would be irresponsible and damaging. On matters that transcend the borders of countries, Canada benefits from agreements that provide international "rules of the game," addressing efficiency and fairness. Global climate change certainly transcends borders, in its causes and its effects. Most countries of the world are already working toward a post-Kyoto international agreement to better address this global issue. Some north European industrial countries have already achieved Kyoto targets similar to Canada's, without major economic upheaval. In fact, they are benefiting by being at the front of the pack in alternative energy and energy efficiency technology and practices. Surely there are some insights for Canada. An isolationist policy on climate change is foolhardy and impractical. An effective made-in-Canada climate change plan is a great idea — so is a global agreement of which Canada is part.